Digital Zapotec Tombs

Tomb 118

Unity Photos – The Start of an Interactive Tomb

Catherine was able to start on working with Unity–a game engine–in the summer of 2014 to make the tomb we had created in Cinema 4D interactive. Time ran out for the team over the summer to explore different avatars and we needed a more powerful computer to put more items we made into the tomb. However, the current area around the tomb was able to be recreated and the project will continue on from here either with someone on the original team or new one.
AbovegroundTombEntranceUnity--Entering Tomb

A comparison of the entrance real tomb (right) and tomb recreated and put into Unity (left). The bottom of the screenshot showing the Unity model also displays the recreated present-day surrounding area near the tomb.  This will appear at the bottom of every screenshot photo in this post.

InsideTombPerspectiveUnity--Inside Tomb

These pictures shows a comparison between our photo of the inside of the tomb (left) and the 3D model recreation (right). In the bottom right corner of the inside of the tomb in the 3D model, one of the objects can be seen placed in the tomb. Object positions are based on where they were found when Alfonso Caso lead the excavation for the tomb.

Tomb 118 - From Back WallUnity--Object on Stairs

The picture on the left shows a photograph the stairs and the entrance. The object from the previous picture from a different angle in the Unity program is on the right. The object is at the bottom of the stairs, just outside the tomb entrance.

Unity--Objects in Tomb

This last screenshot shows objects put into the tomb in Unity at the furthest niche. They objects shown are tripods found in the tomb during Caso’s excavation. There is also a vessel peeking out from inside the niche at the top of the picture.

Tomb 118 – Field Photos

Zapotec tombs at Monte Albán, where many of the elite lived, were built within in the center of their homes. Most of the time, these tombs were sealed except for ceremonial or burial purposes.         Our first day at Monte Albán was on June 29 , 2014 , we stayed for about … Continue reading

Artifacts Created in Cinema 4D From Tomb 118

Here are some screenshots of various objects from Tomb 118. They are a mix of Catherine and Ve’Amber’s work in Cinema 4D. These are just a few highlights of over 70 objects we made 3D models of over the summer in 2014. All of these objects are based off of the cards Alfonso Caso and … Continue reading